Obedience to God Obedience and reverent fear to a trustworthy, loving and righteous God is the key to a blessed life – Ed Meu 23-07-12 Obedience to God is our
Obedience to God Obedience and reverent fear to a trustworthy, loving and righteous God is the key to a blessed life – Ed Meu 23-07-12 Obedience to God is our
Background of Jesus According to the Bible, Jesus was already there with God the Father and the Holy Spirit in the beginning. He is not created just as God is
Typical Fears * Loss of one’s job; that is usually the motivating factor why one obeys their boss (or bosses) at work * Looking stupid in front of others or
Slow down your busy life and smell the Roses and the Tulips Next time when you are at a flower festival or even in a Rose Garden, take time to
The Truth According to Jesus John 8:31-32 “To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you
Bible is a Gift “The bible is a gift from God to men. Use it as a lamp to your feet, practice it on a daily basis. Use it to steer you
Healing Jesus was never recorded sick in the bible as He is Perfect and He is God; in the beginning, He was there. On the contrary, he healed plenty of
God Amazing and Beautiful Creations – His Signatures are everywhere The First Seven Days of Creation Genesis 1:1 “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2
Waterfalls round the world Niagara Falls Victoria Falls Iguazu falls