Thought: There is time to be serious and time to have humor, fun and laughter. Seriousness and discipline are required to get serious work done. Does not suffer fools gladly
Thought: There is time to be serious and time to have humor, fun and laughter. Seriousness and discipline are required to get serious work done. Does not suffer fools gladly
Often you hear “actions speak louder than words”. From my quiet time this morning, actions alone are not enough to please God if the intentions behind them are evil and/or
A thought: We can bring heaven with us through Christ but not wealth when we leave this earth. So by God’s grace, let us encourage each other to pursue things
Proverbs: 31. 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. – Bible Offline
In my meditation of Psalm 104 today, I am in awe of God’s majesty. Psalm 104:5-9 “5.He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. 6. You