Justice and Mercy, Not FastingJustice and Mercy, Not Fasting
Zechariah 7:1-14 [1]In the fourth year that Darius was emperor, on the fourth day of the ninth month (the month of Kislev), the Lord gave me a message. [2]The people
Zechariah 7:1-14 [1]In the fourth year that Darius was emperor, on the fourth day of the ninth month (the month of Kislev), the Lord gave me a message. [2]The people
Zechariah 10:1-2 [1]Ask the Lord for rain in the spring of the year. It is the Lord who sends rain clouds and showers, making the fields green for everyone. [2]People
Zechariah 9:9 [9]Rejoice, rejoice, people of Zion! Shout for joy, you people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you! He comes triumphant and victorious, but