Job’s view of God’s greatnessJob’s view of God’s greatness
Summary Learn from the animals, birds and fish vs 7-9 To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his vs 13; Do not mess around with God Job
Summary Learn from the animals, birds and fish vs 7-9 To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his vs 13; Do not mess around with God Job
Faith comes from reading and listening to the Word of God
Mark 8:34-37 [34]Then Jesus called the crowd and his disciples to him. “If anyone wants to come with me,” he told them, “he must forget self, carry his cross, and
Revelation 1:1-9 [1]This book is the record of the events that Jesus Christ revealed. God gave him this revelation in order to show his servants what must happen very soon.
Lots of mental treaures or gems in the Word of God – the Bible. Just need to mine them in humility on a daily basis.
Matthew 20:17-19 [17]As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside and spoke to them privately, as they walked along. [18]“Listen,” he told them, “we are
Summary The bitter cup that Jesus drank Whoever wants to be great in the eyes of God should serve – a servant leader Matthew 20:20-28 [20]Then the wife of Zebedee
Summary Job’s friend – Zophar doubted his friend’s innocence and shared his views on God and gave Job’s advice. Job 11:1,3-20 1 Will no one answer all this nonsense?
Summary His pains are unbearable from the afflictions. He reasoned with God and wanted to die. Job 10:1-19 [1]I am tired of living. Listen to my bitter complaint. [2]Don’t
Summary Job’s views on the Almighty God Job 9:1,3-21 1 Yes, I’ve heard all that before. But how can a human being win a case against God? [3]How can