Casting out demons authorityCasting out demons authority
Summary point Importance to have the right authority from God to cast out demons vs 15 or to perform healing vs 11. Acts 19:11-16 [11]God was performing unusual miracles through
Summary point Importance to have the right authority from God to cast out demons vs 15 or to perform healing vs 11. Acts 19:11-16 [11]God was performing unusual miracles through
Summary points *Jesus prays to God alone *Jesus walked on water *Peter lacked of faith and did not focus on Jesus when he walked on water – i.e why he
Nehemiah 13:15-29 [15]At that time I saw people in Judah pressing juice from grapes on the Sabbath. Others were loading corn, wine, grapes, figs, and other things on their donkeys
Summary points *On marrying foreign women vs 30 *On keeping the sabbath holy vs 31 *On tithing or giving vs 32 to 39 Nehemiah 10:28-39 [28]We, the people of Israel,
Acts 17:16-32 [16]While Paul was waiting in Athens for Silas and Timothy, he was greatly upset when he noticed how full of idols the city was. [17]So he held discussions
Summary thoughts *Confession of sins and graciousness of God of how God led them to the promised land and out of slavery from Egypt; *Mentioned how the Israelites rebelled against
Matthew 13:24-52[24]Jesus told them another parable: “The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A man sowed good seed in his field.[25]One night, when everyone was asleep, an enemy came and
Nehemiah 6:9-16 [9]They were trying to frighten us into stopping work. I prayed, “But now, God, make me strong!” [10]About this time I went to visit Shemaiah, the son of
Psalms 91:1-16 [1]Whoever goes to the Lord for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty, [2]can say to him, “You are my defender and protector.