Be hot or cold – not lukewarmBe hot or cold – not lukewarm
Summary Not good to be lukewarm in the Kingdom of God vs 15, 16; Get a reality check vs 18 Jesus Christ is ever ready to come into your life;
Summary Not good to be lukewarm in the Kingdom of God vs 15, 16; Get a reality check vs 18 Jesus Christ is ever ready to come into your life;
Revelation 3:7-13 [7]“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: “This is the message from the one who is holy and true. He has the key that belonged to
Summary Two greatest commandments – the whole Bible and human kind hang on them. A very wise and laser focus answer. Matthew 22:34-40 [34]When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had
Summary Judged wrongly by a close friend. If no firm evidence to accuse someone, shut up is the wisdom; do not assume. Job 20:5-12,14-23 [5]no wicked people have been happy