God’s words are flawlessGod’s words are flawless
Summary David mentioned in vs 6 that God’s words are flawless; David mentioned about the wicked and their boasting tongues vs 3-4; David cried to God to protect the oppression
Summary David mentioned in vs 6 that God’s words are flawless; David mentioned about the wicked and their boasting tongues vs 3-4; David cried to God to protect the oppression
Summary Mysterious vision of the punishment of symbolic great prostitute and the kings of the earth; Vs 14 war against the Lamb. Jesus, the Lamb will overcome them because He
Summary The eleven disciples saw the risen Jesus in Galilee and worshipped Him; but some doubted; He gave them the great commission vs 19 – 20; Underline all authority in
Summary The soldiers were bribed to tell lies. Matthew 28:11-15 [11]While the women went on their way, some of the soldiers guarding the tomb went back to the city and
Summary King David mentioned about taking refuge in God from the wicked vs 1; He gave a glimpse of the wicked and how God would deal with them vs 5-6;