Wedding Supper of the LambWedding Supper of the Lamb
Summary Salvation and glory and power belong to our God vs 1-2; True and just are His judgements vs 2 Vs 7-9 the wedding of the Lamb has come The
Summary Salvation and glory and power belong to our God vs 1-2; True and just are His judgements vs 2 Vs 7-9 the wedding of the Lamb has come The
Summary John, the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah vs 2-3 in fulfillment of the prpphesy in Isaiah; He baptised the people with water but Christ baptises His followers
Summary God is hiding from David vs 1 David trusted God in His unfailing LOVE (vs 5). Psalms 13:1,5[1]How much longer will you forget me, Lord? For ever? How much
Summary Vision on God’s final judgement on the great wicked or evil Babylon; God will avenge the blood of the saints killed In one hour (vs 17), she is brought
Summary Jesus had communion (also known as the Last Supper) with His disciples asking them to do this in remembrance of Him. Luke 22:14-20 [14]When the hour came, Jesus took