Prophet without HonourProphet without Honour
Highlights People around Him is amazed at His wisdom questioning where He got it from; Vs 3 Jesus’ biological family – big family Jesus was amazed at their lack of
Highlights People around Him is amazed at His wisdom questioning where He got it from; Vs 3 Jesus’ biological family – big family Jesus was amazed at their lack of
David confessed his sins to God – burdens off loaded and turns into joy with God’s forgiveness; David unreservedly trusts God for source of strength, for protection, for forgiveness and
Jude 1:14-25 [14]It was Enoch, the seventh direct descendant from Adam, who long ago prophesied this about them: “The Lord will come with many thousands of his holy angels [15]to
Highlights Jesus healed them both; one with great faith that healed her (bleeding for twelve years); the other one brought back from the dead through pleadings of her father Mark
Highlights Encouraging words used: my rock, fortress, refuge, worthless idols, rejoice in your love, anguish of my soul, my times are in your hands vs 14 NIV, lying lips be
Highlights Vs 3 to contend for the faith that was once entrusted to saints; God’s grace is not a license to sin vs 4 Avoid sexual immorality – pollute one’s
Highlights *Demon possessed man has great strength vs 4; can break chains apart; *Human beings can be possessed by unclean spirits; *Even demons recognize Jesus as the Son of the
Highlights More teachings by Paul on godly living and godly behavior – subject to rulers and authorities, do whatever is good, slander no one, be peaceable and considerate, and show
Highlights *Another sign of His divinity; He is God *Have faith in Him – such a comfort and peace Mark 4:35-41 [35]On the evening of that same day Jesus said
Highlights There is power and majesty in the voice of God Psalms 29:1-11 [1]Praise the Lord, you heavenly beings; praise his glory and power. [2]Praise the Lord’s glorious name; bow