Highlights the Apostles miraculously delivered from the prison vs 17 – 24; Vs 27 – 32, the Apostles testified at Sanhedrin before the high priest – obey God not men;
Highlights the Apostles miraculously delivered from the prison vs 17 – 24; Vs 27 – 32, the Apostles testified at Sanhedrin before the high priest – obey God not men;
Highlights Be on guard, be prepared and stand firm in your beliefs to stand the tests of persecutions vs 9 – 12, ; Kingdom will rise against kingdom vs 8
Temptations are more out there now than before. There are lots of marketing especially through emails and Facebook to get you to buy their courses. Be careful do not get
Highlights This chapter spells out the wicked and the righteous hope is in God to avenge the evil acts committed on them vs 1, 2, 6, 10 – 11; Also