Jesus answered he is ChristJesus answered he is Christ
Highlights False witnesses testifying against Jesus and their statements did not agree vs 55; Jesus has total control of his answer, when to stay silent vs 61 and when to
Highlights False witnesses testifying against Jesus and their statements did not agree vs 55; Jesus has total control of his answer, when to stay silent vs 61 and when to
Highlights The Psalmist prayed complaining to God to protect him from his wicked enemies; The Psalmist trusts God to deliver him from his enemies Psalms 64:1-10 [1]I am in trouble,
Thought “Each time we sin, we owe debt to God and it gets heavier and more costly as time progresses if not forgiven by God. The ultimate wages of sins
Highlights Holy spirit is a free gift given by God directly and by those given with authority by laying of hands vs 16; Have a right heart, God’s gifts cannot