Feeding my soulFeeding my soul
Highlights Praise God with my heart and soul with my lips vs 1, 3, 5; Only God can water and satisfy my soul and my heart. I rejoice singing songs
Highlights Praise God with my heart and soul with my lips vs 1, 3, 5; Only God can water and satisfy my soul and my heart. I rejoice singing songs
Highlights Approves Stephen martyr death vs 1 He persecuted the early Christians Acts 8:1-3 [1]And Saul approved of his murder. [2]Some devout men buried Stephen, mourning for him with loud
Highlights Jesus obeys God’s will unto death vs 36 – thy will be done; Vs 38, the spirit is willing, but the body is weak Mark 14:36,38,41 [36]“Father,” he prayed,
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Highlights and thoughts Trust God at all times; He is the provider, my salvation, my rock, my refuge, my breath, my soul finds rest in Him alone vs 1, 8;
Highlights Great overview of the Bible from old Testament to the new Testament in Stephen’s testimony; He was martyred for testifying Jesus Acts 7:1-60 [1]The High Priest asked Stephen, “Is
Psalms 61:1-8 [1]Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer! [2]In despair and far from home I call to you! Take me to a safe refuge, [3]for you
Highlights Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit vs 5; False witnesses against Stephen vs 13 Acts 6:1-15 [1]Some time later, as the number of disciples
Highlights Jesus said in vs 25 that he will drink again the fruit of the vine anew in the Kingdom of God; Bread symbolises his body and wine symbolises his
Highlights To have God on your side is a big deal; avoid letting God rejects you; Help from God guarantees victory vs 11-12 Psalms 60:1-6,10-12 [1]You have rejected us, God,