Deliver from enemies prayerDeliver from enemies prayer
Highlights The Psalmist prayed for deliverance from his enemies and trust God as a fortress in times of trouble vs 1, vs 16 Psalms 59:1,9-17 [1]Save me from my enemies,
Highlights The Psalmist prayed for deliverance from his enemies and trust God as a fortress in times of trouble vs 1, vs 16 Psalms 59:1,9-17 [1]Save me from my enemies,
Highlights the Apostles miraculously delivered from the prison vs 17 – 24; Vs 27 – 32, the Apostles testified at Sanhedrin before the high priest – obey God not men;
Highlights Be on guard, be prepared and stand firm in your beliefs to stand the tests of persecutions vs 9 – 12, ; Kingdom will rise against kingdom vs 8
Temptations are more out there now than before. There are lots of marketing especially through emails and Facebook to get you to buy their courses. Be careful do not get
Highlights This chapter spells out the wicked and the righteous hope is in God to avenge the evil acts committed on them vs 1, 2, 6, 10 – 11; Also
Acts 5:12-16 [12]Many miracles and wonders were being performed among the people by the apostles. All the believers met together in Solomon’s Porch. [13]Nobody outside the group dared to join
Mark 12:35-37 [35]As Jesus was teaching in the Temple, he asked the question, “How can the teachers of the Law say that the Messiah will be the descendant of David?
Psalms 57:5-11[5]Show your greatness in the sky, O God, and your glory over all the earth.[6]My enemies have spread a net to catch me; I am overcome with distress.
Highlights Early disciples or believers had to sell all their possessions and put them at the feet of the apostles for distribution vs 32 – 37. I wonder who do
Thoughts God created cats for a reason – to keep humans companion including myself; My cat (actually my daughter’s pet) loves to lick my hand and arms and I love