Word and statutes of GodWord and statutes of God
The Psalmist finds joy in keeping God’s statutes and highlights God’s word as a lamp to his feet and a light for his path. Psalm 119:105. He trusted God’s promises;
The Psalmist finds joy in keeping God’s statutes and highlights God’s word as a lamp to his feet and a light for his path. Psalm 119:105. He trusted God’s promises;
In Romans 1:18-32 highlights the sinful behaviors of mankind which deserves death. In vs 20, no excuse for not knowing God’s invisible qualities, eternal power and divine nature. Vs 26-27
The Psalmist in Psalm 119:72-88 in his prayer to God have the highest regards for God. He regards the law from God is more precious to him than thousands pieces
Luke 15:1:10 Jesus gave great insights into the principles behind rejoicing through parables of lost sheep, lost coin and a sinner that repent. Luke 15:1-10[1]One day when many tax collectors
The Psalmist mentioned in Psalm 119:54 that God’s degrees are the theme of his song. He found happiness in God. He asked God to teach and/give him sound judgement and
Luke 14:25-35 Jesus sets a very very high standard on the cost to be his disciple. Pretty much has to give up everything including one’s life if needed to in
The Psalmist put his absolute trust, hope and delight in God’s ways or statutes in Psalm 119:41-56. Psalms 119:41-54 [41]Show me how much you love me, Lord, and save me
Luke 14:15-23 Jesus taught on people who were invited to the Kingdom of God were all too busy to attend, to spend time with God. So in the end, everyone
Psalm is very rich in praising God as well crying out to God. The Psalmist in Psalm 119:33-40 communicates or prays to God to: teach him….vs 1 give him understanding
Jesus teaches in Luke 14 the importance of humility vs 7-11, and to invite those who cannot repay you Luke 14:12-14. Luke 14:14 “and you will be blessed. Although they