Rejoice in your statutesRejoice in your statutes
The Psalmist in Psalm 119:1-16 rejoices in God’s statutes. He loves God’s ways and medidate on them vs 1-16. Psalms 119:1-16[1]Happy are those whose lives are faultless, who live
The Psalmist in Psalm 119:1-16 rejoices in God’s statutes. He loves God’s ways and medidate on them vs 1-16. Psalms 119:1-16[1]Happy are those whose lives are faultless, who live
In Psalm 119:1:5, his ways are the best, blameless. Follow his ways or risk being forsaken. Psalms 119:3-5,8[3]They never do wrong; they walk in the Lord’s ways.[4]Lord, you have given
Jesus in Luke 13:23 NIV urges us to make every effort to enter the narrow gate leading to the Kingdom of Heaven. People from east, west, north, south will take
The Psalmist in Psalm 118:22 NIV mentioned about that the stone that the builders rejected has become the capstone; “Psalm 118:24 NIV This is the day that the Lord has
In Psalm 118:1-4 taught about God’s love endures forever for those who fear the Lord; It is good to take refuge in the Lord Psalm 118:9. In Psalm 118:6-7, the
“Leverage God, the Grand Teacher in our lives; you will be blessed”-Ed, 13-09-2020.
In Luke 13:14-16, it is O.K to do good to people such as healing them on Sabbath. Luke 13:14-17 [14]The official of the synagogue was angry that Jesus had healed
The Psalmist in Psalm 116:1 declared his love for the Lord. He testified in Psalm 116:5 NIV that the Lord is gracious and righteous, and full of compassion; The Psalmist
The Psalmist commented in Psalm 112:7 that the earth tremble at the presence of the Lord. Psalms 114:7 [7]Tremble, earth, at the Lord’s coming, at the presence of the God
In Luke 13:3 Jesus gave stern warning on repentance. He told the story of a fig tree which is not fruiting and said it should be cut down as it