Unity in the Body of ChristUnity in the Body of Christ
Reading Ephesians 4:1-16, NIV Summary: Im humility and gentleness, build each others up in the body in peace and love to unity and maturity-different levels of maturity of different parts;
Reading Ephesians 4:1-16, NIV Summary: Im humility and gentleness, build each others up in the body in peace and love to unity and maturity-different levels of maturity of different parts;
Reading Matthew 6:5-15, NIV Map: hypocrites-prayer to be seen, loves lengthy prayers, already receive the reward; right way, close the door and say the prayer to the Father, who sees
Reading Isaiah 4:2-6, NIV Everything of God-beautiful, power and glory; everything of sins-ugly, sorrows and pain-Ed, 11-2-2021 Map: Branch of the LORD-beautiful and glorious-friut of the land-pride and glory-survivors-holy-the LORD