Parable on the mustard seedParable on the mustard seed
Matthew 13:31-35, NIV Map stones: the smallest seed grows into a majestic tree like the kingdom of God. Another analogy is the yeast working in a dough..worked through; utter hidden
Matthew 13:31-35, NIV Map stones: the smallest seed grows into a majestic tree like the kingdom of God. Another analogy is the yeast working in a dough..worked through; utter hidden
Isaiah 38:1-22 NIV Map stones: ..going to die; Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD….;prayer heard…15 more years added..sign..shadow..go back the ten steps..vs 1-8;..great humble
Matthew 13:16-23, NIV Map stones: Kingdom of God, the parable of sower and seeds explained: path, rocky ground, thorn bushes, good soil Matthew 13:16-23[16]“As for you, how fortunate you are!