Drought, Famine, SwordDrought, Famine, Sword
Jeremiah 14:1-16; 17-22; Chapter 15:1-9, 15:10-19, NIV Map highlights Sins (vs 7), stubborn, foolish, not listening to Him, blind rebellion against God leads to: remove from his presence, his protection,
Jeremiah 14:1-16; 17-22; Chapter 15:1-9, 15:10-19, NIV Map highlights Sins (vs 7), stubborn, foolish, not listening to Him, blind rebellion against God leads to: remove from his presence, his protection,
Jeremiah 12:1-17; Chap. 13:1-27, NIV Map highlights Jeremiah’s complaint to God on his justice Chap. 12-1-4. God’s answer: 1-17, the people is stubborn, does not listen to God…He punished them?
Map highlights Be marinaded Christians
Jeremiah 10:1-16; 17-22, NIV Map highlights Worthless idols made by man..do not worship them an insult to the LIVING God…in breach 1st commandment. Worship the one and only true living
Matthew 24:1-14, 15-35, NIV Map highlights ..truth…sign of your coming and of the end of the age…many signs, examples: Nation will rise against nation, famines, earthquakes, deception, persecutions of saints…many
1 Corinthians 15:13-34, NIV Map highlights From Paul’s lens-if Jesus had not risen…preaching useless and so is your faith vs 14…false witnesses..lies…your faith is futile; you are still in your
Jeremiah 9:1-11, 12-26 NIV Map highlights Just is God is the truth; tell the truth. Trust those who tell the truth not lies. Acknowledge God, choose life over death. The
Jeremiah 8:1-22, NIV Map highlights ..bones of the kings and officials of Judah…exposed to the sun and the moon…like refuse lying…prefer death to life vs 3; No-one repents of his
Jeremiah 7:31-34, NIVMap highlightsDetestable practices-child sacrifices; Valley of Ben Hinom=Valley of Slaughter-carcasses of this people will become food for the birds if the air….
Matthew 23:39, NIV Map highlights Many examples of being a hypocrite-looks good outside but inside rotten. Be real-what you see is what you get-real deal (vs 1-22). Tithing and the