Quiet time on Lamentations and timeline of the BibleQuiet time on Lamentations and timeline of the Bible
Lamentations 1:1-13 MM Exile..deserted..people lamenting-queen…now become slave…desolate, despair, mourning, suffering
Lamentations 1:1-13 MM Exile..deserted..people lamenting-queen…now become slave…desolate, despair, mourning, suffering
Jeremiah 52:1-34, NIV the fall of Jerusalem MM King of Judah Zedekiah; king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar (reign: 605 BC-562 BC). King of Judah in exile Jehoiachin (aka Jeconiah born in
Tennesse Waltz
Jeremiah Chapter 51, NIVMMBabylon punished as prophesied (539 BC, king Cyrus of Persia from the North captured it).More character of God revealed in Chapter 51:stirrer..stir up the spirit of a
Matthew 27:32-61, NIV MM Man from Cyrene (modern day location in Libya) named Simon helped Jesus to carry the cross. Roman time: sixth hour means 12pm. Jesus crucifixion to death
Jeremiah Chapter 47-50, NIV MM Prophecy of God’s judgement against the Philistines (Chapter 47), Moab (Chapter 48), Ammon and Edom, Damacus, Kedar and Hazor, Elam (Chapter 49), Babylon (Chapter 50).
Isaiah Chapter 4-6, NIV MM Vision of the branch of the LORD..beautiful and glorious..fruit of the land…pride and glory of the survivors in Israel..Zion..remain in Jerusalem will be called holy..the
Judgement on Egypt, Philistines, Moab. Jeremiah Chapter 46-48. MM Sorrow times as the LORD brought judgement on these countries. Matthew 27:32-44 MM Jesus crucified at Golgotha-written charge..This is the KING
Jeremiah 44:1-30, NIV MM Bad, bad, bad. Not listening to God through Prophet Jeremiah. Choose to follow their own stubborn ways, outright disobedience to God and worship the Queen of