Month: November 2021


Hosea 6:1-11, MIV For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgement of God rather than burnt offering. Like Adam, they have broken the covenant-they eere unfaithful to me there-vs 6-7.


Hosea 5:1-15, NIV Judgment against Israel Ephraim, you have now turned to prostitution; Israel is corrupt. Their deeds do not permit them to turn to their God vs 3-4. When


Hosea 4:13-19, NIV Obs and Th: Israel as a nation and its people engaged in adultery, prostitution, wickedness, stubborn like a heifer and making worthless sacrifices. The land mourns and


Revelation 8:1-13, NIV The seventh Seal and the Golden Censer Hg: seventh seal, there was silence in heavenfor about half an hour…seven angels, seven trumpets… Horrific scenes-are these events


Hosea’s Reconciliation With His Wife Hosea 3:1-5, 4:1-12, NIV God uses this example to demonstrate His love for the Israelites in spite of their unfaithfulness-Ch 3:1. God’s charge against the


Hosea 2:1-23, NIV Israel Punished and Restored GOD DEALINGS WITH AN ADULTEROUS NATION… God can take away one’s fruits of labour as a form of punishment. Therefore I will take