1 Chronicles Chapter 1,2,3 Hgs: From Adam to Noah to Abraham to Israel. Israel’s Sons in Ch 2. King David’s ancestors Ch 2:10-13. Chronology of the Sons of David &
1 Chronicles Chapter 1,2,3 Hgs: From Adam to Noah to Abraham to Israel. Israel’s Sons in Ch 2. King David’s ancestors Ch 2:10-13. Chronology of the Sons of David &
Who you surround with is very important. Your inner circle. Is the trinity God and high achiever and principles friends in this inner circle? Plants need water, sunlight, fertiliser and
Malachi 4 Th: always make sure be on God’s side. His judgment and wrath is fearsome and trembling..burn like a furnace…arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble…you who revere my