Song on my heart this morningSong on my heart this morning
Th: Northern Kingdom exiled to Assyria first then Southern kingdom (Judah) exiled to Babylon during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar and the Persian King, Cyrus took over Babylon abd allowed the
Th: Northern Kingdom exiled to Assyria first then Southern kingdom (Judah) exiled to Babylon during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar and the Persian King, Cyrus took over Babylon abd allowed the
Deuteronomy 7:1-26 …possess and drives out..larger and stronger…delivered them over to u…defeated them…destroy them totally…show no mercy ….vs 4 they will turn your sons away from following me to serve
Deuteronomy 4:32-40 .vs 39..There is no other . their descendants after them, he brought you out of Egypt by his Presence and his great strength, 38. to drive out before you
HL: God communicated with Isaiah thru vision. Isaiah is willing to respond to God’s calling. The worship of idols and rebellion by the Israelites leading to their downfall. The unholy
This must be the first recruitment drive. Deuteronomy 1:13[13]Choose some wise, understanding, and experienced men from each tribe, and I will put them in charge of you.’
Thank you Holy Spirit for prompting this song in my heart today.
Jesus has the authority, wisdom, power, majesty, humility, the Way to heavens, Holy Spirit, honour, kingship, servant on earth and in heavens…all in one package. New wine refers to? Luke