Fate of evil vs righteous menFate of evil vs righteous men
Psalm 37:1-26 vs 1...do not fret because of evil men…vs 3..Trust in the LORD and do good...vs 4 Delight yourself in the LORD..give you the desires of your heart…vs 12
Psalm 37:1-26 vs 1...do not fret because of evil men…vs 3..Trust in the LORD and do good...vs 4 Delight yourself in the LORD..give you the desires of your heart…vs 12
Jude 1:3-16..describes the behaviour of godless men and their destinies vs 7..suffer the punishment of eternal fire i.e. hell. They reject authority and are not afraid nor respect celestial beings….even
Zechariah, the father of John the baptist gave us insights foretelling the roles of his son Luke 1:76-79..in particular vs 76…to prepare the way for him, vs 77 to give