All heaven declaresAll heaven declares
Psalm 89 HL God speaking..vs 3-4…eternal throne… ….heavens praise your wonders , O Lord… …talking about evidences based faith…praises of God from a fellow human being-King David. …knowing God from
Psalm 89 HL God speaking..vs 3-4…eternal throne… ….heavens praise your wonders , O Lord… …talking about evidences based faith…praises of God from a fellow human being-King David. …knowing God from
Acts 3:1-10 HL vs 6 …Silver or gold I do not have…In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk…instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong…Th: the power of
Luke 12:13-21 HL Warning on storing up wealth for self and not rich to God vs 21. My very life belong to Him i.e we are mere custodians of our
Psalm 88 HL Were his troubles due to his sins that God punished him…vs 7, your wrath lies heavily upon me…the good news is that he repented of his sins