A Blind Beggar Receives His SightA Blind Beggar Receives His Sight
Luke 18:35-42 HL & TH The blind man’s faith had healed him vs 39-42. He had faith in Jesus power of healing probably based on what he had heard on
Luke 18:35-42 HL & TH The blind man’s faith had healed him vs 39-42. He had faith in Jesus power of healing probably based on what he had heard on
Psalm 109:1-31 This website bible references are largely from NIV June 1978. HL & TH *The psalmist prayer presumably King David’s prayer to God to deal with wicked and deceitful
Acts 12:1-25 HL & TH Peter put in prison and the angel of God frees him vs 8-11.
Luke 18:31-34 HL & TH Nobody can predict the manner of his death and nobody has resurrected from death except Christ vs 32-33. Fulfilment of a prophecy vs 31.