Paul in Corinth (in Greece)Paul in Corinth (in Greece)
Acts 18:1-17 HL & TH Paul suffered much for preaching the gospels; the Jews there opposed him vs 6. He was beaten…persecuted by Jews .vs 16
Acts 18:1-17 HL & TH Paul suffered much for preaching the gospels; the Jews there opposed him vs 6. He was beaten…persecuted by Jews .vs 16
Luke 22:39-46 Jesus is obedient to God’s will unto death vs 42…but yours be done.
Psalm 119:145-168 HL & TH The Psalmist presumably King David called out to God to help vs 145…put my hope in your word.. vs 147…renew my life, O LORD, according
Acts 17:16-32 HL & TH …greatly distressed to see the city was full of idols ….. found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD…vs 23… Paul gave a
Luke 22:24-34 HL & TH …kings of the Gentiles lord it over then..vs 25 …Christ’s teaching to serve vs 26-28. …confer on you a kingdom…eat and drink at my table
Psalm 119:127-128 HL & TH The Psalmist treated God’s laws with highest respect, of great value (more than pure gold vs 127), an honour and delight to obey them. Examples