Paul in Ephesus (in modern Turkey)Paul in Ephesus (in modern Turkey)
Acts 19:1-16 HL & TH Paul preached the gospels in Ephesus and performed miracles. vs 11 God did extraordinary miracles through Paul. vs 13-16 Imitators of Paul to cast out
Acts 19:1-16 HL & TH Paul preached the gospels in Ephesus and performed miracles. vs 11 God did extraordinary miracles through Paul. vs 13-16 Imitators of Paul to cast out
Luke 22:54-62 TH Jesus predicted Peter will disown him comes to past-the fear and frailty of human beings. This experience or event made Peter stronger…he wept bitterly.
Psalm 121:1-7 HL & TH vs 2-4 2. My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3. He will not let your foot slip he who watches over
Sometimes I reflect on prominent Atheists; I am thinking while their arguments sound very rational, they are spiritually bankrupt-naked; no hope, they teach nothing to create a loving, harmonious society