More praise of GodMore praise of God
Psalm 116 HL & TH …he heard my voice vs 5 The LORD is gracious and righteous…fill of compassion. ….delivered my soul from death…walk before…the land of living. vs 15
Psalm 116 HL & TH …he heard my voice vs 5 The LORD is gracious and righteous…fill of compassion. ….delivered my soul from death…walk before…the land of living. vs 15
Acts 15:1-21 HL & TH Discussion over the requirement of Gentiles to be circumcised as a requirement to follow Christ? vs 10…yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been
Luke 20:9-18 HL & TH Jesus teaches moral stories through parables. TH Prophets and messengers sent by God were killed by evil men in the past; there will be a
Psalm 113 &114 HL & TH The Psalmist is full of praise and trust in the majestic sovereign God who made heavens and earth, and made the earth for human
Acts 14:22-28 Hl & TH vs 21…preached the good news…won a large number of disciples…strengthening…and encouraging… vs 4 We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God
Luke 20:1-8 HL & TH Jesus answered a question over his authority with a question…possibly to lead them to an answer indirectly.
Psalm 113:1-9 HL & TH vs 3…rising of the sun…the name of the LORDis to be praise vs 4 The LORD is exalted over all the nations, his glory above
Acts 14:8-19 TH & HL Paul healed a crippled in his feet at Lystra (Turkey) by God’s power and the man’s faith (vs 9) Shifted attention and glory from himself
Luke 19:45-48 HL & TH Drive out…selling…My house will be a house of prayer….den of robbers
Psalm 112 HL & TH The righteous person in God is confident, steadfast, will be remembered forever, secure heart (like a rock, solid)…will have no fear…i.e no low self-esteem, can