Paul defence b4 King AgrippaPaul defence b4 King Agrippa
Acts 26 HL & TH Paul told his past to King Agrippa…lived as a Pharisee…great testimony of his past and his conversion…King Agrippa was disturbed over his testimony vs 24.
Acts 26 HL & TH Paul told his past to King Agrippa…lived as a Pharisee…great testimony of his past and his conversion…King Agrippa was disturbed over his testimony vs 24.
John 1:1-18 HL & TH ….the world did not recognise him….his own did not receive him. 12. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name,
Psalm 148-149 HL & TH Psalm 148 Every living beings and even objects (vs 4) praise God for aHis greatness and splendour. In another words, all His creation should praise