The Healing at the PoolThe Healing at the Pool
John 5:1-15 HL & TH Jesus healed the man on a Sabbath day. He had been invalid for thirty-eight years. Funny question by Jesus: do you want to get well?
John 5:1-15 HL & TH Jesus healed the man on a Sabbath day. He had been invalid for thirty-eight years. Funny question by Jesus: do you want to get well?
Romans 2 HL & TH Throws light on judging others and God judgement. …wrath…unrepentant heart vs 5. Reminder of doing good and get blessed vs 6, 10. Warning against those
John 4:43-54 HL & TH He heals the official’s son. This official took Jesus at his word and was rewarded vs 50-53.
Proverbs 6 Hl & TH * Warnings against…ensnared by the words of your mouth. * warnings against laziness…learn from the ant vs 6-11. * Things the Lord hates and are