God’s Righteous JudgementGod’s Righteous Judgement
Romans 2 HL & TH Do good…do not store up God’s wrath against yourself vs 5…stubborness and unrepentant heart. Persist in doing good, seek glory, honour and immortality…will give eternal
Romans 2 HL & TH Do good…do not store up God’s wrath against yourself vs 5…stubborness and unrepentant heart. Persist in doing good, seek glory, honour and immortality…will give eternal
John 5:17-46 HL & TH Jesus testified his relationship with God. He came from the Father and had seen and know the Father. Feeds the Five Thousand John 6:1-13 HL
Proverbs 8 HL & TH Cries out to be listened to vs 1, 6, 33. Comes with great benefits for those who possesses it. Some of examples: vs 14 counsel