Trusts God not your richesTrusts God not your riches
Proverbs 11:28 HL & TH Cannot bring your wealth when one dies whereas the hope of valuable eternal life if one believes in Christ. Be generous-great benefits vs 24-25…gives generously,
Proverbs 11:28 HL & TH Cannot bring your wealth when one dies whereas the hope of valuable eternal life if one believes in Christ. Be generous-great benefits vs 24-25…gives generously,
Romans 7:4-6 HL & TH Died to sins once accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour-released from the law and alive in Christ…new way of the Spirit…no longer controlled by the
John 11:35-44 HL & TH Packed implications: Jesus wept-very human, grief, I suppose over the sting of death. vs 40….if you believed, you would see the glory of God. Believe