Children of lightChildren of light
Ephesians 5:17-31 Born again as taught by Jesus..Paul reinforces this new life, new identity, new attitude, get rid of all bad thoughts and sinful behaviour by the power of the
Ephesians 5:17-31 Born again as taught by Jesus..Paul reinforces this new life, new identity, new attitude, get rid of all bad thoughts and sinful behaviour by the power of the
Jesus taught us to have a child like faith to receive the kingdom of God-Mark 10:15. This message speaks volume to intellectual wise in their eyes, to sceptic, and to
Gal 6:7-10 Sows to please the flesh reaps sins fruits whereas sows to please the Spirit (vs 8) reaps eternal life; also bears the fruits of the Spirit (LJP, FKG,
Galatians 5:13-26-a new life leads by the Holy Spirit (fruits vs 22) versus the old life of sinful nature verses 19-21 bad fruits-A. Fruits of the Spirit-verse 22 LJP (Love,