House of the Lord and eyes focus

The Psalmist mentioned about go to the house of the Lord in Psalm 122:1.

Important to focus our EYES on him in Psalm 123:1-2.

How to handle ridicule from the proud and contempt from the arrogant-pray to God in Psalm 123:3-4.

Psalms 122:1
[1]I was glad when they said to me,     “Let us go to the Lord’s house.”

Psalms 123:1-4
[1]Lord, I look up to you, up to heaven, where you rule.
[2]As a servant depends on his master, as a maid depends on her mistress, so we will keep looking to you, O Lord our God, until you have mercy on us.
[3]Be merciful to us, Lord, be merciful; we have been treated with so much contempt.
[4]We have been mocked too long by the rich     and scorned by proud oppressors.

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