
Judges 6:1-40…Israelites did evil…severe oppression by the Midianites..invasion..ruined the crops..did not spare a living thing…cried out to the Lord…God raised up Gideon…reason God punished the Israelites vs 7-10.

Th: right to question from his heart; right to reason vs 13, vs 15; right to ask for a sign vs 17; found favour vs 17; offering to God vs 19; sign granted vs 21; vs 25 God’s command..Tear down your father’s altar to Baal…Gideon asked for sign to confirm that God really wanted him to save Israel vs 36..the two tests vs 36-40. Test 1-wool fleece wet from the dew, ground dry. Test 2-fleece dry, ground wet from the dew vs 39-40.