Time God is silent silent


  • There is time God is silent despite called Him out for help vs 23 – 24;
  • The Psalmist cried out to God for help, questioned and reasoned with God. Despite all this, he has not lost hope and faith in God; these are those moments in life.

Psalms 44:6-26
[6]I do not trust in my bow or in my sword to save me;
[7]but you have saved us from our enemies and defeated those who hate us.
[8]We will always praise you and give thanks to you for ever.
[9]But now you have rejected us and let us be defeated; you no longer march out with our armies.
[10]You made us run from our enemies, and they took for themselves what was ours.
[11]You allowed us to be slaughtered like sheep;  you scattered us in foreign countries.
[12]You sold your own people for a small price     as though they had little value.
[13]Our neighbours see what you did to us, and they mock us and laugh at us.
[14]You have made us an object of contempt among the nations; they shake their heads at us in scorn.
[15]I am always in disgrace; I am covered with shame    
[16]from hearing the sneers and insults of my enemies and those who hate me.
[17]All this has happened to us, even though we have not forgotten you or broken the covenant you made with us.
[18]We have not been disloyal to you; we have not disobeyed your commands.
[19]Yet you left us helpless among wild animals;   you abandoned us in deepest darkness.
[20]If we had stopped worshipping our God     and prayed to a foreign god,
[21]you would surely have discovered it,     because you know our secret thoughts.
[22]But it is on your account that we are being killed all the time, that we are treated like sheep to be slaughtered.
[23]Wake up, Lord! Why are you asleep? Rouse yourself! Don’t reject us for ever!
[24]Why are you hiding from us? Don’t forget our suffering and trouble!
[25]We fall crushed to the ground; we lie defeated in the dust.
[26]Come to our aid! Because of your constant love save us!