A Prophecy Against Babylon (1-10); Edom (vs 11, 12); Arabia (vs 13-17)

Isaiah 21:1-10, NIV


Map: Vision-Babylon has fallen, images of its gods lie shattered on the ground vs 9.

Persian-the invader.

Xref: Revelations 18, commentries, find in this site, You-tube

Isaiah 21:1-10
[1]This is a message about Babylonia.Like a whirlwind sweeping across the desert, disaster will come from a terrifying land.
[2]I have seen a vision of cruel events, a vision of betrayal and destruction.Army of Elam, attack! Army of Media, lay siege to the cities! God will put an end to the suffering which Babylon has caused.
[3]What I saw and heard in the vision has filled me with terror and pain, pain like that of a woman in labour.
[4]My head is spinning, and I am trembling with fear. I had been longing for evening to come, but it has brought me nothing but terror.
[5]In the vision a banquet is ready; rugs are spread for the guests to sit on. They are eating and drinking. Suddenly the command rings out: “Officers! Prepare your shields!”
[6]Then the Lord said to me, “Go and post a sentry, and tell him to report what he sees.
[7]If he sees men coming on horseback, two by two, and men riding on donkeys and camels, he is to observe them carefully.”
[8]The sentry calls out, “Sir, I have been standing guard at my post day and night.”
[9]Suddenly, here they come! Men on horseback, two by two. The sentry gives the news, “Babylon has fallen! All the idols they worshipped lie shattered on the ground.”
[10]My people Israel, you have been threshed like wheat, but now I have announced to you the good news that I have heard from the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel.


Edomites-descendants of Esau


Within one year as the servant bound by contract would count it, all the pomp of Kedar will come to an end-vs 16.

Great is thy Faithfulness