A song on my heart this morning, PTL

He is my everything

In preparation for the Bible studies on Isaiah 28, 29.

TH: Sovereign and eternal God is Spirit. He offers and gives inner peace, rest, directions in life, principles and values to live on, cornerstone, rock, love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, 2nd chance, gifts, security, authority, power, wealth, protection, healer, wisdom, knowledge, justice, abundance, blessings, makes impossible possible, salvation, gives eternal life to those who believes and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour & loves and worships in spirit and in truth.

Seek and worship Him in spirit and in truth for life. Be thankful in my soul. Listen to Him in silence. Involve Him in everything. Communicates with Him daily in prayers. Learn at His feet daily. Share Him with others that they too will enjoy His blessings and salvation.

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