About God

Isaiah 66:1-24, NIV

Map highlights: Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool…vs 1. “This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word vs 2;..chosen their own ways, and their souls delight in their abominations; so I will also choose harsh treatment for them and bring upon them what they dread. For I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no-one listened. They did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me.” vs 3-4;.”..those who rebelled against me; their worm will not die, nor will their fire be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.” vs 24.

Those who loves God…outcomes:…delight in overflowing abundance…be comforted..flourish like grass. rejoice…see his glory…

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