Ask, seek, knock

Reading Matthew 7:7-12, NIV

Map: in life, ask-prayers, seek God to find him, knock-persist; God gives good gifts…(vs 11); golden unto others…(vs 12).

Matthew 7:7-12, GNB
[7]“Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.
[8]For everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to those who knock.
[9]Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asks for bread?
[10]Or would you give him a snake when he asks for a fish?
[11]Bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
[12]“Do for others what you want them to do for you: this is the meaning of the Law of Moses and of the teachings of the prophets.

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