Help from? Neither slumber nor sleepHelp from? Neither slumber nor sleep
Psalm 121:1-7 HL & TH vs 2-4 2. My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3. He will not let your foot slip he who watches over
Psalm 121:1-7 HL & TH vs 2-4 2. My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3. He will not let your foot slip he who watches over
Psalm 119:145-168 HL & TH The Psalmist presumably King David called out to God to help vs 145…put my hope in your word.. vs 147…renew my life, O LORD, according
Psalm 119:127-128 HL & TH The Psalmist treated God’s laws with highest respect, of great value (more than pure gold vs 127), an honour and delight to obey them. Examples
Precept is voluntary. A commandment needs only one reason- the order. A precept needs two reasons – doing it hurts oneself, and hurts others. A commandment need only to obey, a
Psalm 119:65-80 HL & TH Learn directly from God-full of riches in wisdom, knowledge, righteous, love, compassion, authority etc vs 66, 72, 75-77 66. Teach me knowledge and good judgment,
Acts 16:1-10 HL & TH Timothy joined Paul & Silas… vs 5 the churches were strengthened in the fairmth and grew daily in number. vs 7…tried to enter Bithynia… he
Psalm 113 &114 HL & TH The Psalmist is full of praise and trust in the majestic sovereign God who made heavens and earth, and made the earth for human
Acts 14:8-19 TH & HL Paul healed a crippled in his feet at Lystra (Turkey) by God’s power and the man’s faith (vs 9) Shifted attention and glory from himself
Psalm 109-110 HL & TH …extol…praise enthusiastically…this is how the Psalmist praised God. The Psalmist knew God intimately. Trinuine God…the LORD says to my LORD “Sit at my right hand
Living God (live) close relationship-hears his voice like a sheep hears his Shepherd voice. Gains wisdom and receives revelations from Him. Bible Study on Waking the Dead Ch 6-Walking with