Living God (live) close relationship-hears his voice like a sheep hears his Shepherd voice. Gains wisdom and receives revelations from Him. Bible Study on Waking the Dead Ch 6-Walking with
Living God (live) close relationship-hears his voice like a sheep hears his Shepherd voice. Gains wisdom and receives revelations from Him. Bible Study on Waking the Dead Ch 6-Walking with
Psalm 111:1-10 HL & TH This psalm reveals more on God’s character. Words used like:Glorious and majestic…; his wonders…; faithful and just…; his precepts are trustworthy; provide redemption; holy and
Psalm 108:1-13 HL & TH King David’s heart (vs 1) is 100% steadfast in God; immovable faith-total reliance/dependent on His protection, help and deliverance from his enemies. No wonder is
Psalm 105 HL & TH why Israel has a special place in God’s heart vs 8-45 …covenant he made with Abraham vs 9-13…everlasting covenant vs 10;…give them the land of
Psalm 104 HL & TH On Sovereignty and glory…vs 1-4, 31-33. On creation…vs 2, 5..set the earth on its foundation; it can never be moved…; vs 10…springs pour water…vs 11
Psalm 95:1-11 HL & TH His majestry-creator, Almighty God above all gods vs3, maker-us, seas, formed land. Do not harden your hearts or test Him vs 8. God is slow
Psalm 91 HL Jam packed chapter of God, the Almighty protector; i.e all I need. Examples, Abraham, David and Goliath story Daniel, Joseph, Ruth, Moses etc. Comforting and rich condensed
Psalm 93:2-NIV, 1978 Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity. HL Eternal God not created but was there in the beginning. Also refer to Genesis 1:1-2
Rf: A peek into what is on King David’s heart and who he relied on God in times of trouble vs 14-18. One verse stands out vs 34 on praising