Teach, understanding, turn my heartTeach, understanding, turn my heart
Psalm is very rich in praising God as well crying out to God. The Psalmist in Psalm 119:33-40 communicates or prays to God to: teach him….vs 1 give him understanding
Psalm is very rich in praising God as well crying out to God. The Psalmist in Psalm 119:33-40 communicates or prays to God to: teach him….vs 1 give him understanding
Highlights When following God’s commands, one’s heart intention or attitude must be in line with God’s heart (love God, love mankind, hate sins) otherwise it would be obeying for the
Summary points: *Obedience to God vs tradition *Lips honouring God but hearts are far away from God vs 7; *What makes a person unclean – not what he eats but
Matthew 12:34-37 [34]You snakes — how can you say good things when you are evil? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. [35]A good person brings good
Thought: Heart trained by the WORD (like a washing machine or dish washer): pure, kind, generous, firm, clean, God’s heart orientation pleasing to the trinity AS OPPOSED TO CARNAL HEART
2nd thought for the day: Pure eyes and thoughts emanate from a pure heart
Thought for the day: Have a kind, pure, loving and giving heart anchor firmly on justice
Often you hear “actions speak louder than words”. From my quiet time this morning, actions alone are not enough to please God if the intentions behind them are evil and/or
Proverbs 17:22 ” A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
Heart and attitude are linked hand in hand. A good heart would have a good attitude. A humble heart a humble attitude.