Come to Jesus to have lifeCome to Jesus to have life
John 5:19-46. Focus: vs 24,30,39,44Studying the scriptures diligently does not equate to salvation vs 39. Read, listen, accept Jesus as Lord and Savior-obey his commands by living them will reap
John 5:19-46. Focus: vs 24,30,39,44Studying the scriptures diligently does not equate to salvation vs 39. Read, listen, accept Jesus as Lord and Savior-obey his commands by living them will reap
Luke 24:37-43 …disciples seen resurrected Jesus…they thought that he was a ghost. Jesus said a ghost does not have flesh and bones and he has vs 39. Also Jesus ate
Luke 8:22-25 Even the winds and the water, obey him.
Phillipians 2:3-11 Imitate Christ..serve the needy, always care for the less fortunate, the sick, the marginalised group, treat people with dignity whilst not compromising on sins…became obedient to death vs
John 11:25; 1-37 HL & TH Lazarus event is to bring glory to God-a special event. Lazarus although raised to life will die again whereas Jesus resurrection has a new
Proverbs 10:19-21 HL & TH 19. Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues. 20. The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of
John 5:17-46 HL & TH Jesus testified his relationship with God. He came from the Father and had seen and know the Father. Feeds the Five Thousand John 6:1-13 HL
John 4:1-42 HL & TH Jesus approach in communicating with the Samaritan woman-genius-no condemnation. Living water vs 13….will never thirst. Note “living”. He is the living water-metaphor. Jesus has deep
John 1:3-51 HL & TH Jesus’first disciples-1. John, 2. Andrew, 3. Simon Peter, 4. Philip, 5. Nathaneal, Future insight: vs 51 51. He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you
Luke 23:44-56 HL & TH …darkness…sixth to nineth hour… ….the sun stopped shining… ..the curtain of the temple…torn in two. …Father into your hands I commit my spirit… …centurion…see…praised God…this