Jesus prayed on the Mount of OlivesJesus prayed on the Mount of Olives
Luke 22:39-46 Jesus is obedient to God’s will unto death vs 42…but yours be done.
Luke 22:39-46 Jesus is obedient to God’s will unto death vs 42…but yours be done.
Luke 19:45-48 HL & TH Drive out…selling…My house will be a house of prayer….den of robbers
Luke 18:31-34 HL & TH Nobody can predict the manner of his death and nobody has resurrected from death except Christ vs 32-33. Fulfilment of a prophecy vs 31.
Acts 10:34-48 HL & TH …God does not show favourism vs 34…accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right… Vs 38…God annointed Jesus of Nazareth
Luke 12:35-48 HL Are u ready for the Lord’s coming? Can be any day, any time? Outcome if not ready: vs 46, pretty graphic..cut him to pieces and assign him
Acts 1:1-5, NIV HL ..appeared to them over a period of forty days vs 3. …eating with them..gave them command on what to do..baptised with the Holy Spirit..vs 8 will
Revelation 5:1-13 Rf: ..only he is worthy and can open the seals vs 9..every tribe and language..vs 9…every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on
Isaiah 52:13-15; chapter 53
Jesus has the authority, wisdom, power, majesty, humility, the Way to heavens, Holy Spirit, honour, kingship, servant on earth and in heavens…all in one package. New wine refers to? Luke
John 7:14-19…My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who semt me….