Category: Jesus


Zechariah 7:1-13, NIV Obs & Hg: The Lord’s heart vs 3-10. 3. by asking the priests of the house of the LORD Almighty and the prophets, “Should I mourn and fast


Zechariah 3:1-10 NIV Clean Garments for the High Priest Hgs:.,,showed me Joshua he high priest stading before the angel ofthe LORD…Th: heavenly assembly…”Take off his filthy clothes.. represents taking away


Revelation 19:1-21, NIV ….heaven standing open…Jesus on a white horse…rider is called Faithful and True….judges and makes war…dressed in a robe dipped in blood his name is the Word of


Habakkuk 3:1-19, NIV Habakkuk’s prayer-God’s fame and attributes vs 1-15 Habakkuk fears and understands God. I heard and my heart pounded, my lips quivered at the sound…. I heard and


Amos 4:1-13, NIV Obs and Hgs: God’s holiness…do not be stubborn, learn from the past and HIS STORY (the word of God), repent and turn back to God. Why do


Joel 3:1-21, NIV Hgs:…let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side..harvest is ripe..trample the grapes….vats overflow-so great


Hosea 2:1-23, NIV Israel Punished and Restored GOD DEALINGS WITH AN ADULTEROUS NATION… God can take away one’s fruits of labour as a form of punishment. Therefore I will take


Mark 15:1-15 Jesus before Pilate Again Jesus only answer what he deems to be the truth and keep silence to false accusations i.e not arguing or defending against it…not wasting


Mark 14:53-64, NIV Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin, NIV Highlights (Hg) Many testified falsely againgst him, bur their statements did not agree vs 56…Th: Jesus’ reaction to false statements: SILENCE.


Ezekiel 37:1-14, NIV MM Vision…Dried bones come to life…..make breath enter you, and you will come to life vs 5-6. …attach tendons…flesh…cover you with skin….breath in you ….come to life