Peter’s healing power from JesusPeter’s healing power from Jesus
Highlights Peter gets the healing power from Jesus vs 6 Peter gave a great summary of Jesus Christ vs 12 to 25. Acts 3:2-9,11-26 [2]There at the Beautiful Gate, as
Highlights Peter gets the healing power from Jesus vs 6 Peter gave a great summary of Jesus Christ vs 12 to 25. Acts 3:2-9,11-26 [2]There at the Beautiful Gate, as
Mark 10:32-34 [32]Jesus and his disciples were now on the road going up to Jerusalem. Jesus was going ahead of the disciples, who were filled with alarm; the people who
Highlights After Jesus resurrection, He stayed around over a period of 40 days before he was taken to heaven his disciples witnessed this; Jesus promised the gift of the Holy
Highlights Before resurrection, Jesus called himself the Son of Man; after resurrection in 1 John Chapter 5, vs 5. He is called the Son of God – interesting; how to
Highlights Why Jesus called himself Son of Man so many times in the gospels? Asked HS this question? The transfiguration…dazzling white…before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus
Highlights Vs 29, NIV….Peter answered, “You are the Christ.” Jesus predicted his sufferings, death and resurrection after three days vs 31; Vs 34, to follow Jesus, must deny oneself, take
Highlights Divinity of Jesus – He makes the deaf hears and the dumb speaks; every part of His body has healing properties and/or power. Mark 7:31-37 [31]Jesus then left the
Highlights People around Him is amazed at His wisdom questioning where He got it from; Vs 3 Jesus’ biological family – big family Jesus was amazed at their lack of
Highlights Jesus healed them both; one with great faith that healed her (bleeding for twelve years); the other one brought back from the dead through pleadings of her father Mark
Highlights *Another sign of His divinity; He is God *Have faith in Him – such a comfort and peace Mark 4:35-41 [35]On the evening of that same day Jesus said