Authority to forgive sinsAuthority to forgive sins
Touch me points *Jesus has the AUTHORITY to forgive sins vs 9-10. In another word, He is God incarnate. Mark 2:6-11 [6]Some teachers of the Law who were sitting there
Touch me points *Jesus has the AUTHORITY to forgive sins vs 9-10. In another word, He is God incarnate. Mark 2:6-11 [6]Some teachers of the Law who were sitting there
In the cold world where there is so much hatred and heartache; to keep one’s heart hot for God, stay close to His Words and His Songs. Never ever let
Summary Jesus was asked by the governor, Pilate whether He is the king of the Jews and He replied “Yes”. Matthew 27:11 [11]Jesus stood before the Roman governor, who questioned
Summary Famous words quoted by Ravi Zacharias leading to his conversion many years ago. John 14:19-21 [19]In a little while the world will see me no more, but you will
Summary Signs to look out for How it would be like when Jesus returns – style or protocol of return. Matthew 24:26-44 [26]“Or, if people should tell you, ‘Look, he
Summary The bitter cup that Jesus drank Whoever wants to be great in the eyes of God should serve – a servant leader Matthew 20:20-28 [20]Then the wife of Zebedee
Matthew 17:14-20 [14]When they returned to the crowd, a man came to Jesus, knelt before him, [15]and said, “Sir, have mercy on my son! He is an epileptic and has
Summary Jesus shows the true meaning of Sabbath – to do good to men is not breaking the Sabbath Matthew 12:8 [8]for the Son of Man is Lord of the
Summary Predicts His Death – doing God’s will vs 21, 23; Cost of following Jesus vs 24, 25 Cost vs benefit – gains the whole world but lose one’s soul
John 8:36 [36]If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free.