Quiet timeQuiet time
Jeremiah Chapter 51, NIVMMBabylon punished as prophesied (539 BC, king Cyrus of Persia from the North captured it).More character of God revealed in Chapter 51:stirrer..stir up the spirit of a
Jeremiah Chapter 51, NIVMMBabylon punished as prophesied (539 BC, king Cyrus of Persia from the North captured it).More character of God revealed in Chapter 51:stirrer..stir up the spirit of a
Judgement on Egypt, Philistines, Moab. Jeremiah Chapter 46-48. MM Sorrow times as the LORD brought judgement on these countries. Matthew 27:32-44 MM Jesus crucified at Golgotha-written charge..This is the KING
Reading Isaiah 10:1-19, NIV Map: unjust laws, rob my oppressed and the fatherless, making widows their prey; God’s sovereignty in display, uses Assyria to punish Israel for idols worshipping (vs