The Glory of Zion-to be fulfilledThe Glory of Zion-to be fulfilled
Isaiah 60:1-22, NIV Map: must be referring to the last days. The sun will no more be your light by day,….the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days
Isaiah 60:1-22, NIV Map: must be referring to the last days. The sun will no more be your light by day,….the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days
Highlights Love your brothers and sisters – live in the light; difficult to do without the strength and grace if God; Hate your brothers and sisters – live in darkness
Highlights Let your light shines, do not hide it Either judge fairly or do not judge Mark 4:21-24 [21]Jesus continued, “Does anyone ever bring in a lamp and put it
Be salt, my friends for if the salt loses its saltiness, it is worthless. Be light and shine; do not hide it. Matthew: 5. 13 “You are the salt of